Decision-making: ICESCO launches a training session

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Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization(ICESCO) launched, Monday, February 22, 2021, at its headquarters, in partnership with the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), the work of a training session of two days on strategic foresight in the service of decision-making.

60 students from the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences (FSJES-Agdal) belonging to the Mohammed V University, and the Institute of Higher Management Studies (HEM-Rabat) benefited from the training, in addition to young interns. at ICESCO, as part of youth capacity-building programs and leadership training in education, science, culture, and communication.

This training session is part of a program launched by the Center for Strategic Foresight, aimed at organizing similar sessions for the benefit of universities, businesses, and civil society actors in ICESCO Member States. The goal is to train managers and students in decision-making in their fields of action, according to the orientations of the new vision of the Organization, based on the consolidation of the proactive culture and the strengthening of the capacities of individuals and staff. institutions to anticipate the future, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of foresight in the ability to cope with changes.

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