SOMCPRE getting offended by a report on cosmetic surgery in Morocco.

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Following the broadcast of a report devoted to cosmetic surgery in Morocco in the show seven to eight on the French channel TF1, last Sunday, the Moroccan Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Restorative Surgery (SOMCPRE) has just published a press release to express his indignation as well as his disagreement with the approach and treatment which lack objectivity in the production of this report.

“The members of the SOMCPRE office wish to express that the images disseminated as well as the figures mentioned do not in any way represent the reality of the activity of almost all practitioners of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery in Morocco whose level, and professionalism is recognized worldwide, ”criticizes SOMCPRE in its press release. And to insist that “The representation which was given in the said report is far from reflecting the reality of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery as it is practiced in our country Morocco. Restorative and aesthetic plastic surgery is a medical specialty governed by ethical and deontological rules, which is carried out in accordance with globally adopted safety rules ”.

The members of the SOMCPRE office also expressed their indignation at the caricatural image that is given of women and of Moroccan society as a whole. “By using distorted clichés, the report is far from reflecting the reality of modern Morocco and the advances it has made in the field of women’s rights and their emancipation in the light of the reform of the Moudawana and political will of the highest authority in the country for more than twenty years, ”the press release concludes.


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