When El Arja becomes Kétama for the Algerian regime

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According to an Algerian daily which takes over the APS, published this Saturday, the local authorities would have proceeded, after the ultimatum of March 18 imposed on the Moroccan farmers of El Arja, to the ” closure of exits used by organized criminal gangs in drug trafficking at “Ouahat Laaroda” in the Daïra of Beni Ounif (Wilaya of Béchar) “.

A closure which intervened according to the media within the framework ” developments at the regional level and in strengthening the efforts of the Algerian state in securing its border strip, following failures in the exploitation of Algerian plots of land by Moroccan citizens in Ouahat Laaroda “. The Moroccan kif more than a Dijon mustard has risen to the denial of the Algerian authorities who without any warning this time, bluntly accuse the peaceful cultivators expelled manu-militari of having made other uses of the “Algerian” plots, that those of dates, legumes or other food crops. It is as if the nif is taking on Pinocchio-like proportions in Algeria.

The lame duck continues ” In this sense, the elements of the Border Guard units reaffirmed their permanent availability to protect national borders against any threat, whatever the origin, stressing the protection of the borders, in particular the surveillance of the border strip and the fight against smuggling and organized crime, initial missions of the National People’s Army (ANP). And to continue by stroking in the direction of Chiengriha’s hair, ” Despite everything that is brewing against Algeria, here and there, its principles remain unwavering in terms of good neighborliness and mutual respect but invincible for anyone who would be tempted to undermine its security and stability “.

What does this mean, if not that the Algeria of military barons, through lies even more dangerous than hateful that the voices of their masters, in particular the official press agency APS, who accuse of Moroccan farmers to serve the interests of drug trafficking networks, simply trying to justify his heinous act vis-à-vis his people and the world. Because the truth is different, there is no activity of any drug trafficking or criminal and this, due to the characteristics of its natural relief which makes it very difficult to transport drugs that could have provided trafficking. narcotics smugglers whether they are from one or the other border bank tells us another media based on official sources. No need to try to find out. Of the nif, the soldiers went up to the hair where they look for lice in vain of the rest.

Moreover, Haboub Cherkaoui, director of the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigations (BCIJ, reporting to the DGST) whose services over the past six years have seized some sixty tons of hashish and 5.3 tons of cocaine, in statements given to EFE and while referring to the new law approved by the government to legalize the therapeutic and industrial uses of cannabis said that despite it could ” reduce the activity of drug traffickers “, The strategy against drug trafficking remained firmly” constant “. A firmness which, according to the boss of the BCIJ, prevented the Latin American cocaine trafficking cartels from penetrating and creating here a transit platform to Europe by taking advantage of the existing hashish channels. Haboub Cherkaoui indicated that despite the existence of “contacts” between the Latin American cartels and the Moroccan drug lords, they had only resulted in a rare occasional use of warehouses where the cocaine cartels were able to store. their goods but they “were” quickly or are regularly dismantled by the Moroccan authorities.

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