Mauritanian newspaper: “Polisario has to hoist the white flag”

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After hanging around for five days, the Polisario emissary would have, finally, we would be tempted to say, been received by Mauritanian President Mohamed ould Cheikh El Ghazouani yesterday Wednesday March 24, 2021. The separatist Mustapha Sayed, who since he had lost his way between two dunes, has regained his post of “ adviser ” to his master Brahim Ghali has made himself the voice by carrying a message to the Mauritanian president.

In accordance with the protocol of the Council of Ministers held yesterday Wednesday, at the end of which the president receives his hosts, Mohamed ould Cheikh El Ghazouani deigned to receive him. Needless to recall here the pressure from Algeria via its ambassador in Mauritania to allow these few minutes of interviews which we let you guess the content (reminder of recognition, CPS itou itou…).

Never mind ! It is clear that the Mauritanian president delicately manages the legacy and history of a situation of paradoxes on Mauritania’s position on the Sahara issue left to him by his predecessors.

However, the Rabat-Nouakchott axis has never been so preponderant between the two capitals as since the election, at the end of June 2019, of Mohamed Ould Ghazouani to the presidency of Mauritania. Elections moreover where the Polisario had campaigned against El Ghazouani, considered pro-Moroccan. Coming back to Mauritanian-Moroccan relations, they have never been so good and during the cordial telephone exchange last November with King Mohammed VI, the President had moreover expressed his “great satisfaction with the rapid development of bilateral cooperation”.

The Mauritanian newspaper “Al-Wiam”, in its electronic edition, yesterday Wednesday, wrote an edifying article. Entitled ” For these reasons, the Polisario hoists the white flag “, Its author the Mauritanian journalist Ismail Rabbani enumerates them while writing,” The great successive and diversified diplomatic successes of Morocco, achieved first on the African continent, then on other continents, have persuaded many countries around the world, at their head the United States, to concretize their recognition of the Moroccan character of the Sahara, by opening their diplomatic representations in the cities of Laâyoune and Dakhla “. Rabbani asserts, continuing, “ the Polisario, supported by the Algerian generals, did not prepare a realistic solution to end the conflict with Morocco, on the contrary “.

He writes on the forces involved, “ the acquisition, development and modernization of the capabilities of the Royal Armed Forces, which have taken place in an accelerated and qualitative manner over the past decades, have become a decisive source for any next cycle of conflict “.

With reference to the United Nations institution, “ the repeated declarations of the UN, supported by decisions of the Security Council, which consider the autonomy initiative in the Moroccan Sahara as a convincing, realistic and practical solution “, In addition to the reports of the Minurso which affirms that Morocco showed the greatest restraint during the crisis of the passage of El Guergarat, while rendering” the Polisario responsible for the collapse of the ceasefire agreement signed in 1991 ”.

The publication also highlighted “ the rejection by the international community, in particular by the countries of Europe around the Mediterranean, of any military escalation in the region, which may constitute an environment conducive to terrorism, irregular migration and drugs “, Stressing that the crisis of” El Guergarat gave a clear lesson to the leaders of the separatists “.

Then with regard to the sequestered Sahrawis the newspaper affirms, ” rising discontent in the Tindouf camps over the continued human rights violations, the diversion of international aid and the divisions between the leaders of the separatist front “, Emphasizing that” Algeria, which is experiencing an unfinished popular revolution and a power struggle that is reaching its climax, in addition to a stifling economic crisis due to corruption and the Covid-19 pandemic, records a rise currents calling for the removal of support for the Polisario from the list of priorities “.

And to conclude, ” the establishment of a new authority in Mauritania which seized its northern borders, which remained a theater of contraband international aid provided to the Sahrawis detained in the Tindouf camps, a passage of tension and obstruction trade with Morocco, and a theater of smuggling internationally prohibited people and materials, as it recently organized military maneuvers in this region to draw the attention of those concerned to the fact that things are no longer what they are ‘they were. Faced with these regional and international facts, all the vultures of the “polisario” have to do is raise the white flag. “.


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