Abdelhaq Bouayoune: When the Melhoune penetrates deep in the hearts of music lovers

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Renowned for his perfect mastery of Melhoune, memorizing poems and a great knowledge of the circumstances of their writing, such as subtle anecdotes enlivening their meaning, Abdelhaq Bouayoune offers the model of a talented artist, endowed with a strong skill to be conquered by his art the heart of music lovers.

Guardian of a precious musical heritage by its secularity and its authenticity, Bouayoune, a cantor of this ancestral musical style, stands out from his peers by his strong presence on stage, his sublime voice, and his strong ability to spontaneously fill the place, to capture the attention and arouse the admiration and wonder of a general public increasingly thirsty to reconnect with this heritage.
Native of Marrakech, a city known for its artistic effervescence and the cohabitation of various artistic genres, Abdelhaq Bouayoune has succeeded in making his mark on the national and local artistic scene, and in enriching the Moroccan repertoire of Melhoune, through his unparalleled interpretation of more than ten “Qsaid” (poems) dedicated to the praises of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed-PSSL (Mad’h), as well as to other secular themes reflecting the different aspects of daily life.
This confirmed icon of the Melhoune, who “radiates talent and intelligence”, has a particular taste for the word and a particular ability to evaluate the word.
Abdelhaq Bouayoune has a strong ability not only to learn the most famous poems, but also the rarest ones that he has received directly from his eminent masters or that he has found, thanks to tireless research and careful excavation in the pages and manuscripts of the great connoisseurs of this art embodying humanity and humanism in their noblest aspects.
A great experience in the field of Melhoune that the artist has managed to accumulate, by rubbing shoulders with the great masters of this art and by learning from them orally.
Passionate about this art since a young age, he wove an extraordinary addiction for the poems of Melhoune, by listening regularly to the songs broadcast on the Radio during the 1980s of the last century, with the unmissable sublime voices of Houcine Toulali, Touhami Lharouchi, Haj Bouzoubaâ, Benghanem, Guennoun, Boucetta and others.
Subsequently, this confirmed artist will start looking tirelessly for masters of Melhoune in the city of Marrakech to learn from them and rub shoulders with their experience and confirmed know-how. This is how he became the companion of the late Moulay Tayeb Lmrani, well known in Souk Semmarine in the heart of the old medina. The latter delivered him rare poems from Melhoune, such as “Al Hayfâ” (the slender) and “Hubb Hbib Er-Rahman” (the love of the beloved of the Merciful) or even, “Wansatni Hniya” (Hniya consoled my solitude) of Sheikh Jilali Mtird.
Abdelhaq Bouayoune also joined Haj Mohammed ben Omar and received from him the art of speaking within the framework of the Jilali Mtird association, before discovering the group of Amenzou brothers.
But this artist considers his relationship with Abdellah Chliyeh as a decisive moment in his career, because it is in the presence of this Sheikh that he will deeply discern everything related to Melhoune in terms of its terminology and its different stages. In this sense, Bouayoune never ceases to mention his master Chliyeh, who offered him the opportunity to show his talents and his great ability to memorize and master this musical art so original even though it is the artist Jilali Mtird, who served as his idol. Having imbued the poetry of Melhoune with magic, beauty and wisdom, Jilali Mtird, it is recalled, appears to be a “Creative Wise” who has invented new themes and discovered a new poetic style called the “Soussi” which is coming. to be added to the two modes, namely “Lambiyyet” and “Maksour ljnâh”. He is also the talented artist having tackled new themes: “Al-Harraz” (The Sentinel), “Al-Chémâa” (the Candle), “Al-Zathma” (Flagrant offense), “Lfsada” (The Bleeding) , “LKffara” (The redemption), “Al-Daif” (The host) and “Al-Dmana” (The pledge).
Thus, Cheikh Jilali Mtird represented a portal of access for the young Abdelhaq to the wonderful world of Melhoune that he will never leave again.
He initiated him in the art of listening and the subtleties of Melhoune allowing him, as a young prodigy of this art, to embark on singing and thus to travel through the high schools of Marrakech.
Another opportunity presented itself to Bouayoune when he joined the Al-Wafae theater troupe in 2003.
This artist firmly believes that anything that could serve the cause of Melhoune would be welcome, starting with drama.
He will not hesitate to follow in the footsteps of the artist Abdeslam Chraïbi, the man of the theater, the first in the history of Morocco to have made a successful junction between the Melhoune and the theater.
The world of celebrity does not take long to open up in front of Bouayoune, and the radio exercise has been offered to him since 2005 and also puts it at the service of his quest.
This is how his appearance in radio broadcasts won him the love and respect of a large national and international audience.
A beloved and respected artist, Abdelhaq Bouayoune has succeeded in giving this form of musical expression a new lease of life, thanks to his perseverance and diligence, but also to his passion for this music, his refined taste and his love for poetry and anecdotes.

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