Mobile Film Festival Africa. The first edition launched on digital

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The Mobile Film Festival Africa was hosting its first 100 percent multimedia edition. It features 51 films from 23 different countries. This collection of one-minute films is chock-full of gems that are both artistic and innovative, dedicated and militant, funny and compassionate… We discuss women’s issues, the environment, human rights, culture, and the Covid…, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all places where you can watch the films. Subtitles in French, English, and Arabic are available for all films.
Finally, the festival includes a three-day prize-giving ceremony in Tunis, co-hosted by the French Embassy and the French Institute. It will host masterclasses, screenings, and the official award ceremony over the course of these three days.
The festival provides financial assistance to the winners through a grant scheme. The development funding grants for this first edition of the Mobile Film Festival Africa will be 18,500 euros.


• The Africa Grand Prix: 10,000 euros
• Francophone film price: 2,500 euros
• Price of the original music: 2,500 euros
• Documentary film price: 2,000 euros
• Prize of the African director: 1,500 euros


The Mobile Film Festival Africa is the pan-African counterpart of the Mobile Film Festival, which has been running for 16 years.
The aim of this event is to find Africa’s most talented directors. Its one-of-a-kind format, 1 Tablet – 1 Minute – 1 Film, enables it to both remove economic restrictions and create high selectivity in its scenario restriction thanks to the one-minute format.
It invited entries from across the continent for the call for films, which took place between March and July 2020, with a total of 497 films from 38 countries.



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