Dcheira El Jihadia: Investigation opened after a woman fraudulently vaccinated.

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According to a press release from the prefecture of Inzegane At Melloule, an investigation was launched on Tuesday under the control of the competent prosecutor’s office to ascertain the circumstances of an anti-Covid vaccination in a central part of the city of Dcheira El Jihadia of a woman who was not yet part of the population targeted by the current phase of the national vaccination campaign.

According to preliminary information, the woman in question presented herself at the Ahmed Behoui vaccination center with her mother’s national identification card in order to receive the first dose of the vaccine, according to the same source.

The local authorities on the scene expressed doubts about the woman’s eligibility for the vaccine, particularly because she did not meet the age requirement, which allowed them to discover that the latter had fraudulently used his mother’s identification card to obtain the anti-covid vaccine’s first injection.

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